Type: array of object

The array of entries that make up HKSLLEX.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:


Type: object

An entry of Hong Kong Sign Language word or sentence.

Type: object

Database entry properties.


Type: enum (of string)

The status of the entry; can be one of the following values: 'live', 'underreview' or 'removed'. 'Live' entries are fully available for use. 'Underreview' entries are available in data only but not in video. 'Removed' entries are removed from the database by the editors and are not seen by users. Required.

Must be one of:

  • "live"
  • "under_review"
  • "removed"


Type: string

The unique identifier of the entry in the database. It must match the pattern 'HKSLLEX-[year]-[sequence]', where [year] is the year of entry and [sequence] is an eight-digit number with leading zeroes. Required.

Must match regular expression: ^HKSLLEX-\d{4}-\d{8}$

Entry Type

Type: enum (of string) Default: "vocabulary"

Specifies the type of entry. 'vocabulary' indicate entries of words. 'sentence' indicate entries of sentences. By default, 'vocabulary' is used. Required.

Must be one of:

  • "vocabulary"
  • "sentence"


Type: array of string

An array of strings describing the semantic field(s) of the sign, e.g., education, law, medicine.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:


Type: object

Data pertaining to the video recording of the entry.


Type: string

The date of video recording. Must be in ISO 8601 format of calendar dates, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.

Must match regular expression: ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$


Type: string

Remarks made by researchers during video recording.

Type: object

File Name

Type: string

The file name of the video, including the file extension.

File Name OSF

Type: string

The file name of the video on OSF, including the file extension.

File Name webP

Type: string

The file name of the video animated webP, including the file extension. This was originally in animated GIF format.


Type: number

The length of the video file in milliseconds.

File Extension

Type: string Default: "mp4"

The file extension of the video file. By default it is mp4.

Supplementary video files

Type: array of object

Video files that supplement the video recording.

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

Type: object

File Name

Type: string

The file name of the supplementary video file to the video recording.


Type: enum (of string)

Specifies the type of supplementary video. 'definition' shows an HKSL definition of the word entry. 'example' shows an example of the word entry.

Must be one of:

  • "definition"
  • "example"


Type: object

Content data of the supplementary video file.


Type: string

The textual content of the supplementary video file.


Type: string

The language in which the textual content of the supplementary video file is written, in two parts delimited by a hyphen: first the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for the language, then either the ISO 3166-1 code for region or ISO 639-3 three-letter language code.


Type: object

Mapping data with ASL-LEX-2.0


Type: string

The EntryID of the corresponding entry in ASL-LEX-2.0.

Legacy ID mapping

Type: string

The deprecated reference to the EntryID in ASL-LEX-2.0. Used in previous projects only.


Type: enum (of string)

Describes the correspondance of entries between HKSLLEX and ASL-LEX-2.0. '1to1' indicates a one-to-one correspondance. 'Mto1' indicates that multiple HKSLLEX entries correspond to one ASLLEX entry. 'Mto1other' indicates that an HKSLLEX entry corresponds to one ASLLEX entry, but the HKSLLEX entry also has other sources. '1toM' indicates that one HKSLLEX entry corresponds to multiple ASLLEX entries. 'noASLLEX2' indicates that the HKSLLEX entry has no corresponding ASLLEX entry. 'MtoN' indicates a many-to-many correspondance. 'Mto1primary' indicates that multiple HKSLLEX entries correspond to one ASLLEX entry, with one of the HKSLLEX entries designated as the primary correspondance.

Must be one of:

  • "1to1"
  • "Mto1"
  • "Mto1_other"
  • "1toM"
  • "noASLLEX2"
  • "MtoN"
  • "Mto1_primary"


Type: object

Translation data of the entry in different languages and categories.

British English

Type: object

British English translation of the sign.


Type: string

The primary British English translation of the sign. Intended as a dictionary entry.


Type: string

Notes for disambiguating the sign in British English.


Type: string

Secondary British English translation(s) of the sign.

Standard Written Chinese (Hong Kong)

Type: object

Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation of the sign.


Type: string

The primary Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation of the sign. Intended as a dictionary entry.


Type: string

Notes for disambiguating the sign in Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong).


Type: string

Secondary Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation(s) of the sign.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: object

Hong Kong Cantonese translation of the sign.


Type: string

The primary Hong Kong Cantonese translation of the sign. Intended as a dictionary entry.


Type: string

Secondary Hong Kong Cantonese translation(s) of the sign.


Type: string

The Unicode characters of the sign. For compatibilty purpose only.


Type: object

Unprocessed translation data of the entry.

British English

Type: string

Unprocessed British English translation of the sign.

Standard Written Chinese (Hong Kong)

Type: string

Unprocessed Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation of the sign.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: string

Unprocessed Hong Kong Cantonese translation of the sign.


Type: object

Literal translation data of the entry.

British English

Type: string

Literal British English translation of the sign.

Standard Written Chinese (Hong Kong)

Type: string

Literal Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation of the sign.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: string

Literal Hong Kong Cantonese translation of the sign.


Type: object

Figurative translation data of the entry.

British English

Type: string

Figurative British English translation of the sign.

Standard Written Chinese (Hong Kong)

Type: string

Figurative Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) translation of the sign.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: string

Figurative Hong Kong Cantonese translation of the sign.


Type: enum (of string)

The source of the entry. 'ASLLEX2' are translations of words found in ASL-LEX-2.0. 'HKSL-PSLC' refers to words listed in teaching materials of the Professional Sign Language Training Centre. 'HKU-HKSLLEX' are self-initiated records.

Must be one of:

  • "ASLLEX2"


Type: object

Contains information about the variation of the word as depicted in this entry.


Type: integer

The index number of the variation relative to the primary entry. Unused.


Type: string

A description of the variant form of sign depicted in this entry.

Lexical Category

Type: array of string

The lexical categories of the primary ZH-Yue translation of the entry. The lexical categories are in Standard Written Chinese. Corresponds to the entries on

All items must be unique

No Additional Items

Each item of this array must be:

CUHKCSLDS Handshape Font

Type: object

The handshape encoding of the sign, with reference to the list of handshapes as used in the Handshape Font developed by the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies. (Refer to the documentation for the list of handshapes.)

Codepoint Notation

Type: string

The handshapes of the sign, referenced by their decimal codepoints. The handshapes are encoded in pairs, the left decimal value representing the dominant hand, and the right decimal value representing the non-dominant hand, separated by a semicolon (;). Words are delimited by a full-stop (.), morphemes delimited by a comma (,). Polysyllabic morphemes may have multiple pairs of codepoints separated by a semicolon (;).

Must match regular expression: ^(\d+(?:[;,.]\d+)+)$

ARTO Coding of Iconic Strategy

Type: object

The iconic strategy data of the sign.

ARTO String Notation

Type: string

The iconic strategy of the sign represented in ARTO String Notation. Refer to the documentation for details.

Must match regular expression: ^(?:(?:[ARTON2]{0,}[arton]{0,})(?:, ?)?)+$

Syllable boundaries

Type: string

The number of syllables represented in each ARTO symbol.

Must match regular expression: ^(?:\d\.){0,}\d$

Morpheme count

Type: integer

The number of morphemes in the sign.


Type: string

The name of the person demonstrating the sign.


Type: object

Information about the etymology of the sign.


Type: object

Unprocessed etymology data of the entry.

British English

Type: string

Unprocessed British English etymology data of the sign.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: string

Unprocessed Hong Kong Cantonese etymology data of the sign.


Type: object

Etymology data of the entry in a structural format.

British English

Type: object

British English etymology data of the sign in a structural format. The shape will be defined at a later stage.

Standard Written Chinese (Hong Kong)

Type: object

Standard Written Chinese (in Hong Kong) etymology data of the sign in a structural format. The shape will be defined at a later stage.

Hong Kong Cantonese

Type: object

Hong Kong Cantonese etymology data of the sign in a structural format. The shape will be defined at a later stage.


Type: enum (of string)

The category of the etymology of the sign. 'PURESIGN' indicates pure signs. 'VERBALSIGN' indicates the sign is based on spoken language. 'ORTHOGRAPHIC_SIGN' indicates the sign is based on written language.

Must be one of:



Type: object

Iconicity data of the sign.


Type: object

Iconicity rating of the sign.


Type: object

Iconicity rating by deaf signers.


Type: number

The average iconicity rating given by deaf signers.


Type: integer

The number of deaf signers who rated the sign.


Type: object

Iconicity rating by hearing signers.


Type: number

The average iconicity rating given by hearing signers.


Type: integer

The number of hearing signers who rated the sign.